

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:qiaohao 更新時間:2014-04-27
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:14545
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      關鍵詞 現金流;可持續發展;償債能力;盈利質量


      Abstract:Cash flow is the survival of the enterprise, any enterprise's survival and development depends on the company's cash flow. The cash flow is to determine the key factors of corporate value creation, cash flow can overcome the limitations of traditional profit targets, cash flow for the core financial management mode is more conducive to grasp the actual operation of the business activities and corporate value chain. However, many of our enterprise business cash flow management emphasis on not go far enough, and the lack of effective management methods. In order to long-term and stable development continues, the need to strengthen its cash flow management, and enhance its ability to fight against risk.

           This paper first introduces the concept of cash flow, target, and cash flow management and corporate financial risk and sustainable development. Followed by the status of the Yong an Pharmaceutical Company cash flow management, the use of the the structure ratio method, comparative analysis method and ratio analysis methods for structural analysis, solvency analysis and earnings quality analysis, analysis of the existing problems of cash flow management, and at the same time proposed to increase the cash flow management level measures to promote the healthy development of enterprises.

      Keywords  cash flow  sustainable development  solvency   quality of earnings

      上傳會員 qiaohao 對本文的描述:本文將通過在依據現金流量管理的基礎上以永安藥業為例闡明加強現金流量管理的重要性并提出具體途徑。對加強我國企業現金流量管理應采取的主要策略和配套措施進行更加深入的研......
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