

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:qiaohao 更新時間:2014-04-27
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      關鍵詞 利潤結構;利潤質量;營業利潤比率;非經常性項目;核心利潤


      Abstract: On a variety of business-related data, it's important to analyze the real profits of the enterprise for investors to draw valuable investment issues of common concern.The traditional corporate profits data are embodied in the form of the number .There is no appropriate indicators to measure and study the level of quality of corporate profits.

        From the point of view of the profit structure, we use XCMG 2008 - 2011 four-year financial report data. In this paper, we try to use the method of trend analysis and composition ratio analysis, with the development of operating profit ratio, the ratio of operating income, net investment income ratio, core profit ratio, net profit, operating index and net cash ratio and other indicators, measure XCMG profit level of quality. We found the following problems:XCMG had higher operating profit ratio and core profit ratio, but in fact there is no corresponding cash flow to the enterprise. It's is highly probable that the bankruptcy of profitability in the condition that maintaining normal production and operation of enterprises is difficult;XCMG has a high profit quality, but also associated with a higher cost to achieve higher profits,with the analysis of cost items of the income statement. 

         According to the problems above, we propose the following three solutions: Increase their cash back flow and strengthen the management of accounts receivable; Control costs and improve the financial situation of enterprises; Great importance to the main business and  improve core profit.

        In the increasingly fierce market competition, the company has only realize the amount of profit growth and maintain a high quality of profits to be invincible. 

      Keywords  operating profit ratio  profit structure  non-recurring items  profit quality  

      上傳會員 qiaohao 對本文的描述:本文研究內容:第一部分,通過文獻綜述知道國外學者關于利潤結構和利潤質量的理論研究成果和實證研究成果與國內新舊會計準則變化前后關于利潤質量和利潤結構的研究成果。對比......
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