

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:qiaohao 更新時間:2014-04-27
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      關鍵詞 風險控制;敏感性分析;單因素敏感性分析


      Abstract:Risk control is to point to managers to take various effective measures and methods, eliminate or reduce risk events of all kinds of possibilities, or reduce the loss caused by risk events occur. And this article is based on sensitivity analysis appearance room investment project risk control research.

         Sensitivity analysis is a method that to point to the project which need analysis, select the uncertain factors in the project, analysis the effect of these uncertainties in the future changes to the project index and compare it. Through sensitivity analysis, project investors can understand the factors affecting the economic benefits of the project changes in the future the change the influence degree of the economic benefits of the project, which can help project investors makes the corresponding judgement before the investment, so as to get better economic benefit. There are some general selections of projects in the sensitivity analysis of investment projects economic benefit indicators, such as irr, payback period, net present value of investment project sensitivity analysis in the analysis of uncertain factors in the project of changing the corresponding impact of these indicators. In this article, uses the paper combined with the actual and the methods of case analysis and literature borrowing for this paper. Sensitivity analysis method of investment projects generally have two kinds of a single factor sensitivity analysis method and multi-factor sensitivity analysis method. Refers to the single factor sensitivity analysis method based on the analysis of the uncertainty of a single selected in its changes to the project the impact of the economic benefit is analyzed. In this article, using the single factor sensitivity analysis method to study and analysis of appearance room project, concluded in the sales revenue for the most sensitive factors in the investment, and finally according to find out the sensitivity of the factors of the investment risk control countermeasures are put forward.

      Keywords Risk control, Sensitivity analysis,Single factor sensitivity analysis

      上傳會員 qiaohao 對本文的描述:對該項投資有著更加直觀、深入的認識,并對一些風險在事前做到心中有數,避免在未來風險發生時措手不及,可以采取有效的應對方法。從而可以讓企業經營管理者對某項投資在事前......
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