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摘要:20世紀90年代開始至今,全球化方興未艾,受到全球經濟危機影響,全球經濟衰退,全球紙業企業正在步入50年來最嚴重的經濟危機。在這樣的環境下,對于企業來說最不可避免的就是財務風險,它存在于所有企業的財務管理中,對企業的生產經營產生巨大的影響,要想使企業立于不敗之地,需要準確的看到風險產生的原因,加強預防。 財務風險控制是現代企業管理的重要手段,受各種難以預料的因素影響,會使企業不能達到預期的經營水平,對企業造成經濟損失。財務風險控制也是評估企業經營效率的標準之一,可以通過對我國企業的分析,對其財務風險形成的原因進行研究,借助財務預警指標了解其抗風險能力,并最終得出了其財務風險的形成原因,探討防范我國企業產生財務風險的方法,提出一些建設性措施。本文對山鷹紙業近幾年的財務數據進行分析,對比行業平均水平,從定量和定性兩個方面評估風險狀況并發現問題,最后提出防范與控制的措施。 關鍵字 山鷹紙業;財務風險;防范與控制
Abstract:Since the start of the 1990s, Globalization in the ascendant, Impact of the global economic crisis, the global economy is recessing,the world paper companies are facing 50 years into the worst economic crisis.In such an environment,For enterprises, the financial risk is the most inevitable,It exists in all the company's financial management, and have an enormous impact on the production and operation of enterprises.To enable enterprises to be invincible,need to see the exact causes of risk,to Strengthen prevention. Financial risk is an important means of modern enterprise management,subject to various factors affect, Make enterprises can not achieve anticipated levels of operations, it caused economic losses of enterprises.Assessment of financial risk control is one efficiency of the criteria business. analysis of China's enterprises, to research the reasons for the formation of its financial risk,with the financial early warning indicators to understand its anti-risk capability,and eventually come to the causes of its financial risk,explore China's enterprises produce financial risk prevention methods,put forward some constructive measures.The thesis analyzed the financial data of Shanying Paper about recent years.Contrast the industry average,both from a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the risk situation and found that the problem,finally proposed prevention and control measures. Keywords Shanying Limited by Share Ltd financial risk prevention and control |