

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:jj.luck 更新時間:2014-05-15
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:19877
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞  財務危機;成因;對策


      Abstract:The existence of finance crisis threats the survival and development of the enterprise, so each operator and manager of company must attach great importance to the prevention and management of finance crisis. On the basis of the domestic and foreign research of finance crisis, the paper puts forward the concept of finance crisis and analyzes the types of finance crisis, which includes operational failure, business failure and unable to repay. Finance crisis is characteristic of cumulative, sudden, complex diversity and catastrophic .In addition ,the paper introduces the common finance crisis performance of the enterprise, which includes sales reduce year by year, long-term losses, shortage of funds, and states the damage of finance crisis, such as the disruption of production, decline of competitiveness, stagnation of development prospect. The paper takes Nantong Xinyi clothing limited company as the research object, using Z score and F score model analyzes the financial situation of the enterprise, finds which is in the finance crisis. There are so many problems of Xinyi company by the way of analyzing the causes of finance crisis, such as the unreasonable capital structure, high debt ratio, poor management of inventory, poor ability of profit and mismanagement of accounts receivable. Above four problems are the reasons of finance crisis of Xinyi company. In order to solve the problems, Xinyi company should adjust the capital and debt structure to moderate debt and keep the common asset-liability ratio with the same industries. At the same time, it reinforce the management of inventory, use ABC classification method to make inventory structure more reasonable, and apply scientific methods in sales forecast to reduce the cost by the excess production of human, material and financial resources. Moreover, it must improve the management of accounts receivable and adopt credit score method in selecting customers which to ensure the safety of sales amount.

      Keywords  Financial Crisis  Cause  Countermeasure

      上傳會員 jj.luck 對本文的描述:在我國,由于經歷計劃經濟向市場經濟轉變的大改革,過去乃至現在相當長一段時期內,企業財務危機發生的頻率和對社會經濟的影響變得越來越大,這是我國國民經濟面臨的較嚴重的......
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