

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:jj.luck 更新時間:2014-05-16
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      關鍵詞 短期資產;最佳現金持有量;應收賬款周轉率;存貨周轉率


      Abstract:With the continuous development of market economy, the number of companies in China is larger, more and more private enterprises have become a very important part of our economic system. The accession to the WTO and the development of our level of opening up bring more opportunities to the development of private enterprises in China. But at the same time, challenges are more intense, especially, in the short-term assets management. The increasingly fierce competition in the market demand of private enterprises in business in china must pay attention to the short-term assets management. In this background, research on short-term assets management problems of private enterprises in China and the solutions of the problems are necessary.    

         Generally, this paper comprehensively uses the economics, finance, management science and other basic theories and analysis tools. By combining macroscopic analysis with microcosmic analysis, I try to analyze and discuss the current situation of short-term assets management of companies in china and problems of private enterprises. This paper analyzes the causes of difficulties about the private enterprises' short-term assets management in china from the internal and external aspects, and it elaborates how to build the all-round and multi-level short-term assets management system through the enterprises' perfect managements about the cash, receivables , stock and so on. 

      Keywords Short-term assets  Turnover ratio of receivable  The optimal cash holdings Inventory turnover ratio

      上傳會員 jj.luck 對本文的描述:短期資產管理的良好運用對企業的發展有著很重要的推動作用,短期資產管理可以推動企業的經營管理向正常化、規范化方向發展,并且增強自身的發展實力與競爭實力,使企業在激烈......
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