

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:致青春鄭微 更新時間:2013-08-10
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      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)




      Abstract:VAT accounting is a very important step in the accounting treatment. To the China's current VAT tax law, financial accounting information based on the principles of equitable, fair, neutral principles, to confirm the VAT tax-related business, measurement, recording, reporting, to tax authorities and business stakeholders provide VAT information in specialized accounting. VAT has a huge advantage with other taxes, a sound system of VAT plays an important role at the economy of the country as a whole. However, our country’s present VAT accounting in comparability principle, fair principle, the VAT accounting information reporting and disclosure, and other areas, there are still some problems that can not be ignored, to solve these problems, we must carry on the corresponding reform. This article start from the basic theoretical framework of the VAT accounting, by presenting a series of effective measures for improvement, to establish a perfect accounting system, to improve the quality of accounting information, and give full play to the role of the VAT accounting, and ensure that the taxpayer to a fair, open shall pay taxes according to law, and to ensure the national tax system in an orderly manner.

      Key words:value-added tax; accounting; in principle; the accounting model


      上傳會員 致青春鄭微 對本文的描述:通過提出一系列行之有效的改進措施,建立一個日臻完善的會計核算制度,提高會計信息質量,充分發揮增值稅會計的作用,確保納稅人能夠公平、公正、公開的依法納稅,并保證國家......
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