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摘要:隨著電子信息產業的不斷發展,在信息化和現代化融合的新世紀中國,經濟的持續高增長和全球經濟一體化趨勢的日益加深,會計電算化在社會經濟中的應用越來越廣泛。因此,建立、發展與完善符合基層醫院會計核算和財務管理需求的會計電算化應用已經刻不容緩。 醫院財務工作是一項業務性和時間性很強的工作,會計電算化是促進會計基礎工作規范化和提高經濟效益的重要手段和有效措施。基層醫院會計電算化的出現及運用,是基層醫院管理和會計自身改革和發展的客觀需要,是時代發展的必然產物。實踐證明,醫療改革新時期,會計電算化在基層醫院財務和會計工作中的應用所發揮的作用日益重要。 關鍵詞: 基層醫院;會計電算化;會計人員;復合型人才
Abstract:Along with the unceasing development of electronic information industry, information technology and modern fusion in China in the new century, continued high economic growth and the increasing trend of global economic integration deepens, the accounting computerization in social economy is more and more widely used. Therefore, establishment, development and improvement with grass-roots hospital accounting and financial management needs of the application of accounting computerization has brook no delay. Hospital financial work is a business time and very strong job, the accounting computerization is to promote the normalization of basic accounting work and an important means to improve economic efficiency and effective measures. Hospital accounting computerization has and application, basic level hospital management and accounting reform and the objective need of development, is the inevitable product of the times. Practice has proved, medical reform new period, accounting computerization in grass-roots hospital finance and accounting work in the application of the role played by the increasingly important. Key Words:Primary hospital;computerized accounting;accounting personnel;compound talents
在這個計算機時代,基層醫院實現會計電算化的應用是順應時代的潮流,是基于現代醫院制度、中國模式、系統化、電腦化、國際化和普遍化的時代基礎,因此實施會計電算化是新世紀中國基層醫院財務的必由之路。 這個時代的基層醫院會計電算化以建立優化的會計信息系統為優勢,提高醫院會計從業人員素質為核心,如要提高醫院的會計電算化水平就必須整合醫院資源,全面強化醫院會計信息系統,形成醫院持久發展的“內功”。越來越多的質優的基層醫院舍得在會計電算化系統上投資的舉動,足以說明這一趨勢。 在醫療市場競爭日益激烈,醫院間關聯程度越來越密切的今天,要求醫院行動必須快捷、靈敏,在財務管理的思想觀念、方式方法上不斷創新。人力已經很難完全達到要求,必須借助當代信息技術的最新成果,優化和加強醫院的會計電算化的運營和管理。因此,大力發展基層醫院會計電算化的應用勢在必行。