

      資料分類:財務管理 上傳會員:園丁小瞳 更新時間:2013-09-28
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      Abstract:Sorting out the relationship of properly and right,realizing the recombining assets,optimizing the disposation in resource,preventing the loss of assets and improving the running effectiveness have become a problem which every person working on education should take into account.The property fights of the independent colleges have the features of pluralism and diversity with their ownership,administration and sharing of profits belonging to different entities.The improvement of their assets management relies on a correct understanding of their present situation,the property fights theory,the share—holding system,and the

      management of intangible assets.

         In this paper,the theoretical and practical basis of the research of asset problems of independent colleges were discussed,the necessity and feasibility of the research of asset management of independence colleges were clarified,the current situation of asset management of independent colleges and the prevalent existing problems were presented.

      Key words: Independent Colleges;Asset Management;Property Right;intangible assets




      上傳會員 園丁小瞳 對本文的描述:本文論述了獨立學院資產問題研究的理論基礎和現實基礎,闡明了獨立學院資產管理研究的必要性、可行性,揭示了當前獨立學院資產管理現狀以及普遍存在的問題。......
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