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摘要:隨著新經濟時代的到來以及中國加入WTO,民營企業的生存環境發生了巨大變化。民營企業財務危機日益顯露出來,陷入嚴重財務危機的,倒閉的民營企業不斷增加,嚴重影響國家的政治、經濟、社會穩定。而我國經濟與世界經濟的接軌,國內外會計準則的相協調,更是為民營企業帶來重大的風險。國內往往把財務危機的產生歸于企業經營管理不善,實際上,管理不善可能是最重要但并不是惟一的因素,經濟不景氣以及資本結構不合理都可能導致財務危機。本文依據我國民營企業獨特的內外生存環境,從企業內部和外部兩個方面分析了民營企業財務危機產生的原因。針對民營企業財務危機的防范與化解問題,指出了應從財務危機的事前防范、事中應對及事后處理三個階段入手,并提出了每個階段應采取的對策。 關鍵詞:民營企業;財務;危機
Abstract:With the new economic era and the arrival of China's accession to the WTO, the private enterprise survival environment changed, the private enterprise financial management environment, concepts, objectives, content and so on also will influence and impact are tremendous. In order to adapt to the new situation, the new conditions and high demand, promotion, and innovation private enterprise financial management is imminent. The private enterprise management from the internal environment look, relative to state-owned enterprises are more flexible, pay more attention to efficiency and benefits. The private enterprise management from external environment look, all the time, and no private enterprise and the state-owned enterprises in equal status, investment, financing, taxation, land use and foreign trade has more restrictions. According to China's private enterprise unique internal and external environment, from the enterprise internal and external two analyzes the private enterprise the causes of the financial crisis. According to the private enterprise financial crisis startup guard against and dissolve problems, and points out that the financial crisis from the precautions, a Chinese deal with and after process of three stages, and put forward the countermeasures to be taken for each stage. Key words:Private enterprise;financial;crisis
民營企業在各國的經濟發展都占據著重要的地位,而如今民營企業的財務危機問題更是社會的熱點問題之一,研究民營企業的財務危機的成因及對策對于未來會計的發展,完善其財務管理制度,民營企業的長遠健康發展都有著重要的意義。在當今經濟形勢下,結合了我國的實際,研究民營企業的財務危機的成因及對策還有一段相當長的路要走。隨著新會計準則的公布,進一步規范民營企業的財務方面。民營企業財務狀況的問題已經成為經濟,會計等領域重點關注的對象。 鑒于我國民營企業的發展還不完善,學習國外民營企業的財務管理制度,對于分析民營企業財務危機的成因及對策有重要的現實意義。同時有利于國內民營企業提高競爭力,有利于與國外企業的合作。不僅如此,研究民營企業的財務危機的成因及對策有利于解決管理人員財務意識的淡薄、會計核算工作能力薄弱,機構不健全、盲目投資理財、加強資產管理、提高財務決策水平,建立財務預警系統等問題,從而更好地為財務信息使用者提供與其決策相關的信息,促進民營企業的健康發展,進而給國家經濟帶來有力的支持。