

      資料分類:電氣工程 上傳會員:圈圈 更新時間:2014-07-08
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          首先,安全性是商業發展中的重要環節,特別是大型商場,由于人員密集、疏散困難、排煙不暢等, 一旦在商場內發生電氣火災, 極容易造成傷亡較多的重大火災事故, 所以商場建筑的電氣設計要特別注重火災監控及消防措施, 所以合理安排、設計至關重要。





      ABSTRACT: Supply and distribution system is the entire mall safe, reliable operation of the core part of the power system in the area of shopping malls electricity power supply and distribution system.

          First of all, security is an important part of the commercial development, especially in shopping malls, crowded evacuation difficulties, poor smoke, an electrical fire in the mall, very likely to cause more casualties major fire accident, so the mall building electrical design should pay special attention to the fire control and fire fighting measures, so reasonable arrangement, design is essential.

         Second, the reliability of power supply is a central pillar of the business, especially for large shopping malls, shopping malls supply problems, the economy of the entire mall will not work to cause significant economic losses, the mall, only to ensure reliable power supply in order for businesses to bring good social and economic benefits.

         In this paper, the mall electricity load calculation and short circuit current calculation to select electrical equipment, as well as to determine the main substation wiring scheme, plus substation relay protection design and standby power supply design, thus ensuring the mall supply reliability, electrical fire fire linkage and lightning protection and grounding to ensure the security of the mall, so the design makes the mall reliability of supply, security is greatly improved.

      Keywords: shopping malls; supply and distribution system; security; reliability

      上傳會員 圈圈 對本文的描述:供電的可靠性是商業的中心支柱、核心部分,特別是大型商場,一旦商場供電出現問題,整個商場的經濟將無法運作,對商場造成重大經濟損失,只有保證供電的可靠才能為商家帶來很......
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