

      資料分類:法律論文 上傳會員:艾薇兒 更新時間:2013-07-05
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:12377
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      Abstract:Marital property,marital debt is an essential systerm component,and the couple has to protect the legitimate interests of creditors,saving judicial resources and to enhance the efficiency of the functions of litigation,and in line with China’s socialist market economy and the need for judicial practice.Althorgh our country in the "Marriage Law" hushand and wife involved in the settlement system for debt,but debt settlement system requires that the couple remain inadequate.Therefore,China shorld continue to improve the system.In this paper ,the debt settlement system couples the general theory,then analysis of the existing debt on the marital satisfaction of system defects. 

      Key Words:the Matrimonial Debts; vsettlement vsystem; legislation  improvement


      上傳會員 艾薇兒 對本文的描述:從夫妻債務清償制度的一般理論出發,進而分析我國現行的關于夫妻債務清償制度中存在的立法缺陷,并且結合外國的夫妻債務清償制度中較好的法律制度和實踐經驗,對我國夫妻債務......
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