

      資料分類:法律論文 上傳會員:大學校花 更新時間:2013-09-30
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      Abstract:The problem is no longer sent people concern is in the late eighty s, and to establish whether it should be "one no longer punish" administrative law system has been discussed is one of the hot issues. But because no longer sent the system in China in the existing laws and regulations, no clear rules, just in the administrative punishments in principle to abstract generalizations. The practice shows that the system the lack of administrative punishment law enforcement in the field of unity, and to make people's rights could not be guaranteed. Along with the development of market economy in China, the situation is more serious. The author's penalty by reference to no longer principle in the administrative punishment and reference for the penalty system no longer in foreign experience, to construct a system about no longer put forward the concrete Suggestions, ji to the penalty for not to the construction of system of help.

      Key words: administrative punishment, no longer the penalty, administrative subject, legislation




      上傳會員 大學校花 對本文的描述:筆者通過參考一事不再罰原則在我國行政處罰適用以及借鑒一事不再罰制度在國外的經驗,對我國構建一事不再罰制度提出了具體的若干建議,冀求以此對一事不再罰制度的建立有所幫......
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