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摘要:《弟子規》是我國優秀的傳統文化,它內涵豐富,包括積極進取的人生態度、見賢思齊的精神追求、人際交往的禮儀規范、知行合一的自律意識等方面。這些都對當代大學生思想政治教育具有重要的借鑒意義。當代大學生是祖國的未來,然而在社會主義市場經濟社會轉型時期,部分大學生思想道德認識存在偏差、道德情感兩極化、理想信念意識不強、“知行背離”現象突出,有待于進一步增強當代大學生思想政治教育的針對性和實效性。運用《弟子規》教育有助于當代大學生提高思想品德認識、培養思想品德情感、鍛煉思想品德意志、完善思想品德行為,進一步優化當代大學生思想政治教育的環境,增強當代大學生思想政治教育的針對性和實效性,提高當代大學生思想道德素質。 關鍵詞:《弟子規》; 當代大學生; 思想政治教育
ABSTRACT:"Disciple gauge" is China's outstanding traditional culture; its connotation is rich, including positive and enterprising life attitude, spirit pursuit of misfortune, interpersonal etiquette norms, the unity of self-discipline consciousness, etc. The ideological and political education of contemporary college students is of great significance. Contemporary college students are the future of the motherland, in the period of social transformation in the socialist market economy, however, there exist deviations in understanding part of college students' ideological and moral, the moral emotion polarization, consciousness is not strong ideal and faith, "macmillan deviate from" phenomenon is outstanding, subject to further enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education of contemporary university students. Using the "disciple gauge" education helps to improve the contemporary college students’ ideological and moral knowledge, cultivate ideology and moral character, emotional, exercise the ideology and moral character, improve the ideological and moral behavior, will further optimize the environment of ideological and political education of contemporary university students, enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political education of contemporary university students, improve the ideological and moral qualities of contemporary college students. Keywords: "disciple gauge"; contemporary college students; the ideological and political education