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摘要:我國新一輪基礎教育課程改革在世紀之交啟動,“小組合作學習”是新課程改革積極倡導和組織實施的學習方式,其有效性問題更是基礎教育課改研究的一個熱點問題。筆者從界定“有效教學”的內涵入手,分析了初中思想品德課小組合作學習有效性的條件,并結合自身學科特點和教育調查充分肯定了“小組合作學習”在教學中所取的成效。同時配以實際案例分析了初中思想品德課小組合作學習的現狀中存在的問題,進而提出了提升初中思想品德課小組合作學習有效性的四大措施。 關鍵詞:初中思想品德 小組合作學習 有效性
Abstract:A new round of curriculum reform of elementary education was launched at the turn of the new millennium. And “Group Cooperation Learning” is a way of learning actively promoted and practiced by the ongoing curriculum reform. Moreover, its validity is basic educational curricula to research a hot issue. The author defines from "the connotation of effective teaching", analyzes the junior middle school thought moral team learning effectiveness, and combined with the condition of subject characteristics and education survey itself fully affirmed the " Group Cooperation Learning " in the teaching from the results. Meanwhile match with the analysis of actual case the junior middle school thought moral team learning situation existing problems, and puts forward ascending junior middle school thought moral team learning effectiveness of four measures. Key words : Moral education course in the junior high school Group Cooperation Learning validity