

      資料分類:海外文摘 上傳會員:N號老師 更新時間:2020-10-22
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      譯文(字數 5377):


        資料來源: Bernd wingert卡爾斯魯厄研究中心,

      technikfolgenabschätzung und systemanalyse(Institut itas)         

        作者: riehm Carsten orwat,烏爾里希





      外文原文(字符數 19907):

      The Power of the Middleman in Electronic Markets

      – The Case of the German Bookselling Industry

      Carsten Orwat, Ulrich Riehm, Bernd Wingert Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe,

      Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS)

      The paper focuses on the hypothesis of “disintermediation”, that establishes a diminishing role for traders, or intermediaries respectively, with the arrival of electronic commerce, because producers and consumers may transact online in a direct way. However, the analysis of the German bookselling industry, which has a relatively well-established branch of b2c electronic commerce, presents an ambiguous picture of disintermediation. Structural changes which are not only caused by technological development, result in a wide range of types of traditional and new online intermediaries which fulfil specific combinations of intermediary functions.

      The “Disintermediation” Hypothesis

      In the early discussion of electronic commerce, we can find the hypothesis of “disintermediation” (e.g. Benjamin, Wigand 1995). The spread of information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular the Internet, allows the reduction of necessary time and costs for gathering the information that is relevant for trading transactions. Therefore, producers and consumers should be able to better transact directly. As a result, the intermediary functions of traders, e.g. wholesalers and retailers, would become more and more unnecessary.

      上傳會員 N號老師 對本文的描述:在圖書市場的發展史中,作者或出版商曾多次嘗試建立印刷書籍的直接銷售,并繞過圖書批發商和零售商。最近在網上售書經驗直接嘗試重復這些大多是不成功的方法的特征在歷史上。......
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