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譯文(字數 7145): 加強工傷制度的作用,以幫助防止工傷事故和職業病 問題和挑戰 各種工傷制度 工傷制度制定在各個國家之間有很大的差異。工傷制度在世界上廣泛的展示了包括通過社會伙伴的自我管理、經濟上獨立于國家預算、行政管理自治體系。盡管基于法律,通過體系的部分稅收和/或供款和國家社會保障計劃,由政府部門執行。用人單位有義務從私人保險企業購買工傷保險(雇主責任保險)。 在一般的制度中,主要包含兩種工傷制度形式,社會保險制度和雇主責任制度。無論哪種類型的制度,幾乎對雇主都是強制性的。 對各國工傷制度的調查,基本上都是基于社會保險制度,24個國家中有17個國家描述他們的制度是作為社會保險的一部分,其中10個國家分離出工傷保險,7個國家的工傷制度是與社會保險制度緊密相連的(例如意外事故保險和健康保險中選一個)。所有擁有英國人-撒克遜、美國人或與他們緊密相連的五美元的國家都是雇主責任制度,例如:澳大利亞、肯尼亞、沙烏地阿拉伯半島和新加坡。被調查的國家中只哥倫比亞一個國家的工傷制度是一個混合公共和私人的體系。 下面的表格給出一些工傷體制的差異性,甚至于相鄰的國家。它結合了由博士Sven Timm與南部非洲和亞洲太平洋研究在最后一章中提到的24個國家的調查結果。
外文原文(字符數 22244): Strengthening the role of Employment Injury Schemes to Help Prevent Occupational Accidents and Diseases 2 Issues and challenges 2.1 Types of employment injury schemes Arrangements for EI schemes vary widely between individual countries. EI schemes across the world show a broad range from systems which are self-administered by the social partners, financially independent from the State budget, autonomous in administration and management, although based on a law; through systems as part of the tax- and/or contribution-based and State-run social security scheme conducted by governmental authorities; to systems where the employer is obliged to purchase EI insurance (Employers’ liability insurance) from private insurance enterprises. In general terms there are two main forms of EI schemes, social insurance and employer liability. Whatever the type of scheme, most are mandatory for the employer. With regard to the countries surveyed the predominant type of EI schemes were social insurance-based systems. 17 of the 24 countries described their systems as part of a social insurance system, of which ten were separate systems for EI insurance, and seven were combined systems of social insurance (e.g. accident insurance and health insurance as one). All five countries with an employers’ liability scheme have an Anglo-Saxon or US background or close relation to them, such as Australia, Costa Rica, Kenya, Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Only in one of the surveyed countries, Columbia, was there a public-private mix of systems. |