

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:鄰座的怪同學 更新時間:2013-11-05
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      ABSTRACT:The direct costs of production in China is only 10% of the total cost,but inventory costs accounted for 32% to 36% of the total product cost is much higher than the production of direct costs. If you can take a certain way to reduce inventory costs, will be able to significantly reduce product costs, make it easier to expand the living space. But now ,the inventory management is too extensive, simple, less use of state-of-the-art inventory management techniques and methods, thus inventory costs have been high. Response to this phenomenon, this article will introduce an overview of the ABC classification and its method of operation, by the use of category management, inventory of resources allocated on a reasonable basis, so as to scientifically reduce inventory costs. And a machinery enterprises using ABC classification to improve its inventory position as an example,to prove the substance of the ABC classification in real life is feasible and scientific. In addition, as ABC classification own shortcomings, the paper will be implemented outside the ABC classification of inventory and then assisted the use of other ways to improve inventory management, thereby expanding the type of enterprise inventory management purposes, so that inventory management can be more realistic, being widely to be applied in real life.    

      Keywords: ABC classification; inventory management; application; countermeasures




      上傳會員 鄰座的怪同學 對本文的描述:本文將在實施ABC分類法之外再輔助采用其他的庫存管理方式來改善庫存,從而達到擴大庫存管理的企業類型的目的,讓庫存管理能更加切合實際,被廣泛地運用于現實生活中。......
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