

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:本文介紹了基于機器視覺的汽車輪轂螺栓測量圖像處理技術,數字圖像處理技術 主要包括圖像的二值化、邊緣檢測、輪廓和特征點提取及通過特征點構造螺紋的三維 殼體,最后通過標定轉化為實際螺紋尺寸。

         基于照片恢復空間實體或者場景是機器視覺中的一個重要問題。照片真實客觀地 反映了空間實體,可以實現從一組照片上記錄的信息來恢復物體的空間拓撲結構。在 由多張視圖重建對象物體模型中,一個在參照坐標下的三維點對應的二維投影必定在 連接照相機的光學中心和二維投影點的光線上,從理論上講,通過一個空間點在不同觀 測位置上的二維投影,可以恢復該點的三維坐標。

         研究探討了利用數字圖像處理技術進行螺紋幾何參數測量的方法,并給出了螺紋 的尺寸測量結果。從理論和實踐上證明了該方法的可行性和正確性。



      Abstract:This article describes the technology based on machine vision measuring wheel bolts image processing, digital image processing includes image binarization, edge detection, contour extraction and planar contour and feature points through three-dimensional shell triangle and so on, and finally through the calibration transformed into the actual thread parameters.

         Photo restoration of space-based entity or a machine vision scene is an important issue. Objectively reflect the real picture of spatial entities can be achieved from a group of photos on the recorded information to restore the object space topology. Reconstruction by more than one view of the object model, a three-dimensional reference coordinate point corresponding to the two-dimensional projection must connect the camera's optical center and  two-dimensional  projection  points  of  light  on  the  theory,  through  a  space  point different  observation  position  on  the  two-dimensional  projection,  you  can  restore three-dimensional coordinates of the point.

         Study of the use of digital image processing technology thread method to measure geometric parameters, and gives some thread size measurements. The result of theory and practice show that the method is feasible and correct.

      Key words: thread, image processing, achine vision

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:隨著計算機技術和圖像采集設備的發展,利用圖像處理技術進行螺紋的測量的研 究不斷進步。在發展的過程中,根據所研究的對象和方法,以及檢測的結果,結合世 界制造業的產業轉移......
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