

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:基于倒立擺模型的兩輪自平衡雙輪電動車的范疇,并結合了自主移動的思想,其 體積小、結構簡單、運動靈活,適于在狹小和危險的空間內工作,在民用和軍事上有 著廣泛的應用前景;同時由于其不穩定的動態特性,兩輪自平衡電動車成為驗證各種 控制算法的理想平臺,具有重要的理論意義。兩輪自平衡電動車屬于非線性、時變、 欠驅動、非完整約束系統,控制問題是其研究的關鍵。本文旨在探討兩輪自平衡電動 車控制算法設計相關問題,為最終實現完全自主移動打下基礎。采用牛頓動力學方法, 對兩輪自平衡電動車進行了運動學和動力學分析,建立了系統的數學模型,為控制器 設計提供理論依據。

         建立電動車的兩輪轉速控制系統模型,借助于MATLAB 6.5軟件,對雙輪電動電動 車控制系統進行了仿真研究,實現了系統模型的動態仿真,對系統作了穩態和動態性 能指標分析,以獲得兩輪電動車的自平衡的穩定控制系統。

         用LQR最優控制器對兩輪的運行偏差進行調節,通過控制擺桿的角度的變化控制 電動機的啟動、加速、停止等動作使電動車保持穩定行走。研究了利用仿真手段整定 計算機控制雙輪電動車系統的采樣周期和LQR參數的方法,以獲得優良的系統調速性 能。為進一步研究開發新型的雙輪電動車打下一定的基礎。

      關鍵詞: 雙輪電動車,動力學,LQR控制,MATLAB仿真


      Abstract:Two-wheeled self-balancing robot based on the inverted pendulum model belongs to the category of the wheeled robots and combines with the idea of autonomous moving. The robot is small in mechanism and can make a flexible motion. So it is fit for tasks in narrow and dangerous space and has a wide foreground both in civilian and military application. The instability of balancing robot systems will also be an excellent test bed for control theory  experimentation.  The  controller  developing  processes  involved  in  balancing  a two-wheeled autonomous robot is mainly discussed in this paper. The state-space equation is obtained through the mathematical model which is established by the analysis of kinematics and dynamics.

         The  establishment  riding  instead  of  walking  vehicle's  two  round  speed  control system model, with the aid in the MATLAB 6.5 software, has conducted the simulation research to two round electrically operated riding instead of walking vehicle control system, has realized the system model dynamic simulation, has made the stable state and the dynamic property target analysis to the system, obtains the riding instead of walking vehicle's self regulation stable control system. Carries on the adjustment

         With the LQR optimum control to two round movement deviation, through controls swing link's angle change movements and so on control motor's start, acceleration, stop to cause  the  electric  car  maintains  walks  stably. Has  studied  the  use  simulation  method installation computer control riding instead of walking vehicle system's sampling period and the LQR parameter method, obtains the fine system velocity modulation performance. To  further  study  the  development  new  electrically  operated  riding  instead  of  walking vehicle to build certain foundation.

      Keywords:  Two  round  riding  instead  of  walking  vehicles,  Dynamics,  LQR  control, MATLAB simulation.

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:兩輪電動車在設計上主要有以下幾個特點: 1、綠色環保。現在的燃油燃氣對環 境的污染越來越嚴重,政府在大力提倡一些綠色環保的產品,既能保護環境,又能有益于使用者的身體健康......
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