

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘 要:本次畢業設計的題目為某輕型貨車的驅動橋設計,在一般的汽車結構中,驅動 橋包括主減速器、差速器、驅動車輪的傳動裝置及橋殼等部件。

         本文介紹了某輕型貨車驅動橋的整個設計過程,包括以下內容,首先先對驅動 橋的結構形式進行了分析,確定了驅動橋的結構型式,然后介紹了主減速器的兩種 支承型式,并對主減速器的基本參數進行了選擇和設計計算,接著確定了差速器的 一些基本參數,對行星齒輪和半軸齒輪進行設計計算,然后對驅動橋半軸的尺寸進 行了計算選取,校核了半軸的強度,使其達到設計要求;選取了橋殼的結構型式, 對其在各種工況下的受力情況進行了分析計算,以達到強度要求;最后使用 CATIA 軟件對驅動橋進行三維實體建模,完成其主要零部件部件的實體建模,并完成驅動 橋的裝配。



      Abstract:The  subject  of  this  graduated  design  is  designing drive  axle  assemblies  of  a Commercial Vehicle.In the ecumenical parts of truck ,drive axle assemblies has embraces parts as follows: main retarder, differential,driving wheel ,housing and so on.

         This paper introduces the whole designing course of the drive axle assemblies of a Commercial Vehicle,it contents are showing as follows,according to the demand of design,first, analyse the structure of the drive axle assemblies,ascertain the structure of the drive axle assemblies,second,introduce the two types of the main retarder, choose and calculate the basal parameter of the main retarder,third,ascertain the basal parameter of  the  differential,  design  the  differential  pinion  gear and  axles,choosing  the  main dimension and checking the intensity of axles.choosing the structure of the housing ,analysing and calculating the pressure under all kinds of conditions.finally,applying the software of CATIA to finish the entity modeling of drive axle assemblies ,and finish assembling it.

      Keyword:drive axle assemblies,main retarder, differential

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:另一方面車輪 上的作用力及傳遞扭矩所產生的反作用力矩皆由驅動橋承擔,所以驅動橋的零件必 須具有足夠的強度和剛度,以保證機件可靠的工作;驅動橋還必須滿足通過性及平 順性......
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