

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-04
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      摘  要:在掌握燃燒和流態化理論的前提下,閱讀相關文獻,收集和綜述循環流化床富氧燃燒的最新研究結論和發展趨勢;了解鈣基脫硫劑在循環流化床富氧燃燒條件下的脫硫機理和存在問題,探明其磨損機理;同時對循環流化床富氧氣氛下石灰石脫硫的磨損進行試驗研究,通過實驗室規模下流化床燃燒系統中石灰石連續破碎測試實驗裝置、固體燃料燃燒試驗系統等,了解影響固硫效果因素,如:石灰石粒度、流化床砂質種類、燃料的種類、燃料的粗細、燃燒溫度、時間、空氣表面流速等。


      關鍵詞:循環流化床富氧燃燒  鈣基脫硫劑   破碎  磨損


      Abstract:Under the premise of mastering theories of combustion and fluidization, read the relevant literature to collect the latest Attrition/fragmentation findings of limestone under simulated ?uidized bed oxy?ring conditions. Understand the mechanism and search relative problems of calcium-based sorbent oxygen in circulating fluidized bed combustion and desulfurization. Meanwhile, take the reaserch of attrition and fragmentation of limestone during the ?uidized bed (FB) oxyfuel combustion of sulfur-bearing fuels. With laboratory scale tests under the continuous limestone crushing test in fluidized bed combustion system or solid fuel combustion test systems, to know the relative factors which may affect limestone sulfation . such as Limestone particle size, fluidized bed sand type, fuel type, fuel physical size, combustion temperature, combustion time, surface air flow rate and etc. 

         Take the study on the difference of limestone attrition and fragmentation under different atmosphere with laboratory scale CFB oxyfuel tests. The effects of reaction time, fluidization number, particle size, calcination temperature on the sorbent attrition were investigated and know the changes of sorbent attrition rate. The results show that reaction temperature presents the greatest effect on sorbent attrition while the fluidization number and reaction time affect less. Otherwise, the particle size is important factor. The thermal shock and internal pressure due to CO2 releasing during the calcination were the main cause for the sorbent attriton. 

      Keywords: oxygen circulating fluidized bed combustion; calcium-based sorbent ;attrition;fragmentation

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:循環流化床鍋爐技術作為一種新型的高效低污染清潔的煤燃燒技術,對以劣質煤或高硫煤來發電及小型鍋爐的環保改造,有著較為明顯的優勢。從上世紀70年代起,我國就開始研究利用這......
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