

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-04
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      摘 要:高爐煉鐵是獲得生鐵的主要手段,也是鋼鐵冶金過程中最重要的環節之一,在國民經濟建設中起著舉足輕重的作用。本著優質、高產、低耗和對環境污染小的方針,設計建造年產量為180萬噸的煉鐵車間。車間共有2074.93m3高爐一座,高爐采用了全冷卻壁、磚壁合一薄壁爐襯、銅冷卻壁、炭磚—陶瓷杯復合爐底、全軟水密閉循環冷卻系統、PW串罐無料鐘爐頂、內燃燃式熱風爐、全干式布袋除塵等一系列先進實用技術。


      關鍵詞: 煉鐵;高爐;設計


      ABSTRACT:Pig iron is main from blast furnace,furnace ironmaking is also a important process in iron and steel making,and it is play an important role in the construction of national economy. based on the target of high productivity, high quality, lowconsump tion, long campaign and environment protection.the design is aim at design a furnace which produce 1800 thousands pig iron per year,the plant has a 2074.93m³ furnace which series of advanced and applicable technologies were adopted, such as full cooling stave, thin inner lining of integrated bricking and staves, carbonbrickscombined furnace bottom with ceramic cup, closed loop soft water circulation and cooling system, bell - less top with central charging hopper, inner combustion burner type hot air stove, dry bag gas dedusting etc. 

         The design program consist of abstract、foreword、technological calculate(contain blast-furnace burden、material balance calculate and thermal equilibrium calculate),the choose of furnace lining and cooling plant,the design of furnace lines,tuyere and casting house,material system,blast system furnace roof system,gas dispose system,iron and slag dispose system,fuel injection system and the disposition of plant.Besides,the design also consult some advanced produce experience and data from home and abroad similar furnace to make the design achieve best.  

      Key words: Ironmaking;Blast furnace;design

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:近年來我國高爐風溫水平有了提高,多數在1100~1150℃左右,日本、歐洲及中國寶鋼的高爐風溫達到1250℃。由于中國鋼鐵企業高熱值煤氣匱乏,大多數熱風爐只能使用低熱值的高爐煤氣......
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