

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:sana0722 更新時間:2014-06-09
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      摘 要:近年來,全球變暖已成為全世界最關心的環保問題,造成全球變暖的主要原因是大量的溫室氣體產生。每當大氣中CO2濃度增加1倍時,氣溫會上升4—6℃,不斷演化使人類所賴以生存的生態和社會經濟系統受到極大的危害。人類只有一個地球,減少溫室氣體排放已成為當今國際社會所面臨的一個刻不容緩的問題了。





      Abstract:In the recent years, global warming has become the world's most concern the environmental protection question, and cause the main cause of global warming is a lot of greenhouse gases generated. Whenever atmospheric CO2 concentration, double temperatures will rise when 4 to 6 ℃, and constantly evolution of what human survival ecological and social economic system is the enormous harm. There is only one earth, reduce greenhouse gas emissions have become today's international society faces a urgent question.

         Steel enterprises, the production of major process are: coking production, sintering production, blast furnace production, converter production, continous casting production and hot-rolling production, long process and short process runs two, greenhouse gas emissions and the process is closely related to the ratio of the length of flow approximately 4.8 emissions: 1. Greenhouse gas emissions mainly depends on the source of iron and steel production process and scrap iron recycle: use of steelmaking with iron ore than direct reduction steelmaking require less energy and carbon.

         This topic contents include: a greenhouse gas effects on climate situation, greenhouse gas emissions, greenhouse gas measures, CO2 capture and storage technology development survey (CCS); Understand greenhouse gas emissions measurement significance and basic methods; Master steel production processes, and determined the steel production process greenhouse gas emissions measurement method. Based on the above two points, to steel enterprise specific actual operation process for greenhouse gas emissions measurement.

      Keywords: greenhouse gases, carbon steel production of measurement, greenhouse gas emissions

      上傳會員 sana0722 對本文的描述:中國積極參與有關國際合作,投入大量人力、物力開展氣候變化科學的研究。在國家層面,中國公布了應對氣候變化國家方案,中國氣象局成立了氣候變化中心,進一步提升氣候變化研......
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