

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:圈圈 更新時間:2014-07-08
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      摘要:電爐煉鋼是當今世界上最重要的煉鋼方法之一,同時也是鋼鐵生產實現短流程的核心環節。電爐煉鋼過程流程短、能耗低、環境負荷輕,是一種較為清潔的、先進的煉鋼方法。而爐外精煉的產生是上個世紀中葉以來迅速發展的鋼鐵冶金重要技術[1]。提高生產率,降低生產成本,代替電爐還原期、緩沖、溫度、成分調整,提高鋼質量,去除鋼種的有害元素及氣體S、O、N、H、C 等,夾雜物去除及控制,滿足不同鋼種的特殊要求,擴大品種。


      關鍵詞: 煉鋼;電弧爐;爐外精煉


      ABSTRACT:Electric furnace steelmaking in the world today is one of the most important steelmaking process, is also the core of the short flow steelmaking process. Electric furnace steelmaking process flow short, low energy consumption and environmental load is light, is a kind of cleaner, advanced steelmaking process. And produced by refining outside the furnace is the middle of the last century since the rapid development of iron and steel metallurgy important technique [1]. Improve productivity, reduce production cost, instead of electric furnace reduction period, buffer, temperature, composition adjustment, improve the quality of steel, removal of harmful elements of steel grade and gas S, O, N, H, C, etc., inclusion removal and control, to meet the special requirements of different steel grade, expand the varieties.

        I selected this topic on the one hand, is knowledge of electric furnace steelmaking and finding out information technology development and application of refining outside the furnace, on the other hand to their later work direction and theoretical basis for a comprehensive study. Annual output of 4 million tons of qualified casting steel in eaf steelmaking workshop design, selects the electric models for HX2-100, furnace shell and a diameter of 6400 mm, molten pool size is 5300 * 1220 was, furnace wall height is 2880 mm, the bottom thickness is 800 mm, throat opening diameter of 600 mm, inner diameter of the tapping hole is 800 mm long. The workshop of the total span of 108 m, longitudinal is 80 m long, workshop of the top is 36 m. I was able to complete the design, in order to improve the steel production process flow, main technical conditions, metallurgical calculation, metallurgical equipment and so on the practical production situation have a comprehensive understanding and grasp, also make oneself be in line with the needs of qualified professional and technical personnel.

      Keywords: Steelmaking,Electric Arc Furnace,Refining Outside

      上傳會員 圈圈 對本文的描述:通過對年產400萬噸合格鑄坯煉鋼廠電爐煉鋼及爐外精煉工藝車間設計,能夠對鋼鐵廠生產工藝流程、主要技術條件、冶金計算、冶金設備等實際生產情況有比較全面的了解和掌握,使自......
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