

      資料分類:經濟論文 上傳會員:我愛我家 更新時間:2013-06-29
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         In recent years, the competition between enterprises has gradually turned into the supply chain and the supply chain competition. Because the traditional supply chain has not developed to the mature situation, each node company only consider their own interests, in addition to the information inconsistency and external environment complex changes, resulting in the supply chain logistics increased uncertainty, produced "the bullwhip effect". The "bullwhip effect" in supply chain led to huge losses, upstream supply chain inventory increases, rising costs, service level is reduced, the total supply chain cost increase, on the performance of the supply chain management to produce serious negative effect, reduce each node of supply chain business enterprise overall competitive power, finally makes every member in the supply chain under huge losses. How to eliminate the" bullwhip effect" harm, has became the focus of a question. How to eliminate the" bullwhip effect" harm, has become the focus of a question.

          In this paper, first the bullwhip effect are introduced in brief, and from the macro and micro perspective of bullwhip effect harm, then to Shanxi Fuji unsalable as the object of study, to study the incident unsalable reasons, and combining with the theoretical knowledge summing up the events occurring in the primary cause, aiming at these reasons to find the countermeasures to reduce bullwhip effect. It is to improve the whole supply chain system involved in the economic interests of enterprises is of great practical effect, not only can enhance the enterprise operation efficiency, increase profits, and improve the supply chain members to the economic benefits of the enterprise has a widespread practical significance.

      Keywords: Supply chain; bullwhip effect; apple is slow-moving;solution method


      上傳會員 我愛我家 對本文的描述:首先對“牛鞭效應”做了簡要的介紹,并從宏觀和微觀角度分別闡述“牛鞭效應”產生的危害,再以山西紅富士滯銷為例,研究這次事件的滯銷原因,并結合理論知識總結這次事件發生......
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