

      資料分類:機械工程 上傳會員:笑笑 更新時間:2014-07-21
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      摘 要:本論文主要介紹了自動售貨機制冷系統的制冷原理以及它的結構設計.通過對制冷系統的研究與分析,基于使系統能夠安全可靠地制冷各類物品,結構盡可能簡單的要求提出了整體的設計方案.通過蒸發器的創新,將傳統盤管式蒸發器設計成鋁鋁吹脹式,通過配以不同的置物板從而達到制冷不同物品的目的,改良了傳統自動售貨機制冷系統只能制冷單一物品的不足.制冷系統主要由壓縮機、冷凝器、節流閥、蒸發器組成.自動售貨機制冷系統結構設計運用了機械設計、創新思維等多方面的知識,是對所學知識的一次綜合考驗.在設計過程中還綜合各方面因素對設計做了多次改進,并提出一些改進措施.



      關鍵字:壓縮機;冷凝器;蒸發器 ;AutoCAD


      ABSTRACT:This paper introduces the refrigeration system the refrigeration principle and the structural design of the vending machines. Through the research and analysis, I made the overall design so that the system can refrigerate many kinds of items safely and reliably, and the structure can be as simple as possible. Through the evaporator innovation, I designed the traditional coil evaporator into aluminum-aluminum blow-style with different parcel shelves so as to refrigerate different items. I improved the refrigeration system of the conventional vending machines that they can only refrigerate single items inadequate. The refrigeration system includes the compressor, condenser, throttle and evaporators. In the design of the refrigeration system of Vending machines I used the mechanical design, innovative thinking and other aspects of knowledge, it is a comprehensive test of the knowledge that I learned. In the design process, I took various factors into account and I made ??a number of improvements and make some improvements in the design.

         Then take advantage of the powerful AutoCAD software parametric feature to design graphical display so that we can easily understand.

         Main achievements:  First, design a refrigeration system (use CATIA); Second, calculate and design the refrigeration system condenser; Third, calculate and design evaporator; Fourth, the choice of refrigerant; Fifth. Compressor selection and calculate the thermodynamic; Sixth, calculate the capillary length; Seventh, design main components.

      Keywords: compressor, condenser, evaporator, AutoCAD

      上傳會員 笑笑 對本文的描述:從供給的條件看,自動售貨機可以充分補充人力資源的不足,適應消費環境和消費模式的變化,24小時無人售貨的系統可以更省力,運營時需要的資本少、面積小,有吸引人們購買好奇心......
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