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摘要:隨著社會的快速發展,汽車逐漸成為人們主要的交通工具之一,在給人們帶來方便的同時,汽車駕駛過程中安全問題也逐漸成為人們關注的焦點,如汽車被盜、車輛交通事故等問題也逐漸暴露出來。針對交通安全事故中典型的行車安全、車輛防盜及防醉駕的問題,本課題設計了基于STC12C5410AD單片機控制技術的行車輔助安全控制器,設計融合了高精度超聲波測距、GSM短信防盜、酒精自測及語音報警等常見功能與技術,彌補了傳統汽車輔助安全控制器功能單一性與性價比不高的缺點。控制器的實現可以在一定程度上防止醉酒駕駛、超速行駛和疲勞駕駛,從而提升汽車行車安全性能,保障了人身與財產安全,同時,間接地減少道路因交通事故的堵塞,保證社會的和諧穩定。 關鍵詞:STC12C5410AD單片機 測距 酒精檢測 GSM防盜
ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of automobile gradually become one of the main means of transport, bring convenience to people at the same time, the process of driving safety issues have gradually become the focus of attention, such as car theft, vehicle accidents, etc. problems are gradually exposed. For traffic accidents in a typical traffic safety, vehicle theft and anti-drunk driving problem, the subject was designed based on the traffic control technology STC12C5410AD single secondary safety controller. Program combines high-precision ultrasonic ranging, GSM SMS Burglar, alcohol and other common self and voice alarm function and technology, make up the traditional automotive auxiliary safety controller functionality unity and cost is not high shortcomings. Realization of the program to a certain extent, to prevent drunk driving, speeding and fatigue driving, thereby enhancing the performance of automobile traffic safety, protect personal and property safety, while indirectly reduce road congestion due to traffic accidents, to ensure social harmony and stability. Keywords:STC12C5410AD MCU;Measure the distance;Alcohol testing;GSM burglar
隨著人們生活水平的不斷提高,汽車逐漸成為人們出行的主要交通工具,但同時也帶來了一些問題,如汽車被盜、汽車追尾以及酒駕等事件時有發生,因此,如何進一步提高汽車駕駛過程中的輔助安全性能變得尤為重要。本題目以51系列單片機為控制主芯片,利用酒精濃度傳感器、超聲波距離傳感器以及電子密碼鎖,設計一套汽車輔助安全的多功能控制器,實現車輛外部障礙物距離、酒精濃度以及防盜狀態的實時檢測。 多功能控制器的實現將有利于改善汽車駕駛過程的輔助安全性能,從而減少交通安全事故的發生。設計任務如下: (1)提供系統控制方案以及功能模塊原理圖 (2)系統硬件實現; (3)具備多種功能的實時提醒報警