

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:姐妹花 更新時間:2014-01-20
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      關鍵詞:原油計量 單片機 超聲波傳感器 上位機 LABVIEW


      ABSTRACT:Metrological work throughout the oil exploration and development, oil and gas storage and transportation, processing, sale and production of the entire process, is based in the oil production process control, trade and related party transactions, technological progress and the "digital" construction and development ,and development process technology plays an important role in safeguarding in oil field.

         This article describes the design process of crude oil metering system, elaborated crude oil metering system hardware design, software design principles and methods, and gives the specific design.

         Crude oil metering system includes lower computer systems and PC systems. lower computer is based on microcontroller of STC12C5A16AD, through ultrasonic sensors detect liquid level within the tank, the measured data display and data upload; understand the ultrasonic transmitter circuit and receiver circuit design. The design of the main task is to gauge measuring liquid level within the tank to signal through security isolation, sampling, quantization and coding sent to the microcontroller, the microcontroller tank volume data model based on the formula to calculate the volume of crude oil, the weight and storage, display and upload; while the PC will lower machine production data uploaded into the database so that the query history information storage capacity, human-machine interface via LABVIEW implementation.

      Keywords:Crude oil; SCM; Ultrasonic sensors; PC; LABVIEW


      上傳會員 姐妹花 對本文的描述:本設計主要任務是將液位計測量到的儲油罐內液位高度信號經安全隔離、采樣、量化編碼后送至單片機,單片機依據儲油罐體積數據模型公式,計算出原油的體積、重量,然后存儲、顯......
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