

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:飛舞的絲帶 更新時間:2014-07-01
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      摘  要:采用新發展的SIAD技術在玻璃襯底上成功制備了三組不同的銅納米線/銅膜復合結構,第一組只改變沉積時間,第二組只改變襯底溫度,第三組只改變襯底偏壓,研究沉積時間、襯底溫度、襯底偏壓等工藝參數對復合結構晶體結構及光學性能的影響。研究結果表明:(1)在其它條件相同的前提下,隨著沉積時間的增加,復合結構特別是Cu(111)晶向的衍射峰強度增加,SPR吸收峰強度減弱,峰位藍移,半高寬先變窄后變寬;(2)在其它條件相同的前提下,隨著襯底溫度的增加,復合結構特別是Cu(111)晶向的衍射峰強度增加,SPR吸收峰強度增強,峰位藍移,半高寬變窄;(3)在其它條件相同的前提下,隨著襯底偏壓的增加,復合結構特別是Cu(111)晶向的衍射峰強度減弱,SPR吸收峰強度減弱,峰位紅移,半高寬變窄。



      Abstract:Via changing process parameters such as deposition time, substrate temperature and substrate bias voltage, three groups of copper nanowires/film composite structures were deposited on glass substrate by our newly developed small incident angle deposition (SIAD) technique. The influence of the process parameters on the crystal texture and optical property of as-deposited composite structures was investigated using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and UV/VIS spectrometer. The detailed work and outstanding contributions are concentrated as in the following:

         (1) With the increase of deposition time, the intensity of Cu(111) texture enhanced, SPR absorption intensity decreased, SPR absorption peak was blue shifted and the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of SPR absorption narrowed first and then broadened.

         (2) With the increase of substrate temperature, the intensity of Cu(111) texture enhanced, SPR absorption intensity enhanced, SPR absorption peak was blue shifted and the FWHM of SPR absorption narrowed.

         (3) With the increase of substrate bias voltage, the intensity of Cu(111) texture decreased, SPR absorption intensity decreased, SPR absorption peak was red shifted and the FWHM of SPR absorption narrowed.

      Key words:copper nanowires/film composite structure; small incident angle deposition (SIAD); texture; surface plasmon resonance (SPR).

      上傳會員 飛舞的絲帶 對本文的描述: 研究沉積時間、襯底溫度、襯底偏壓等工藝參數對SIAD法制備銅納米線/銅膜復合結構的影響,并利用臺階儀、金相顯微鏡、XRD、UV/VIS光度計等工具對復合結構進行分析比較......
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