

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:笑笑 更新時間:2014-07-18
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      摘要:在采用熱風、微波真空和壓差膨化單一干燥技術試驗的基礎上,采用微波真空干燥-壓差膨化脫水組合干燥草莓。以草莓維生素C保存率,色澤和綜合感官評分等為試驗指標,確定了草莓真空微波干燥的最佳工藝條件,微波溫度為40℃,微波時間8min, 能達到較好的脫水效果。以真空微波干燥6min為水分轉換點,2MPa為壓差,40min為干燥時間的微波真空干燥-壓差膨化脫水組合干燥,草莓色澤維生素C含量和品質都最好。采用微波真空干燥-壓差膨化脫水組合干燥,脫水草莓維生素C保存率比熱風干燥和真空干燥均提高;色澤和感官品質上,避免了熱風干燥制品色澤暗淡、外形干癟凹陷和真空干燥制品局部炭化等缺陷。  

      關鍵詞  草莓;熱風干燥;真空干燥;壓差膨化


      Abstract: Microwave vacuum drying in a hot air drying and microwave vacuum drying and the differential pressure extruded test based on - the pressure extruded dehydrated composition dried strawberries. Strawberry vitamin C preservation rate, color and sensory score for the experimental index, testing to determine the best strawberry vacuum microwave drying process conditions, the microwave temperature of 40 ° C, microwave 8min, can best achieve the effects of dehydration. 6min water transition point, the pressure difference 2MPa 40mi microwave vacuum drying drying time - pressure puffed dehydration combined drying the tomato color vitamin C content and quality of the best. The use of microwave vacuum drying - pressure difference puffed dehydration combined drying, the dehydrated strawberry vitamin C preservation rate than hot air drying and vacuum drying; color and sensory quality, to avoid the hot air drying products dim color, shape shriveled depression and vacuum drying products partial carbonization and other defects.

      Keywords  Strawberry  Hot air drying  Vacuum drying  Pressure puffing

      上傳會員 笑笑 對本文的描述:草莓屬于高檔水果,深受國內外消費者喜愛,是世界上七大水果之一。草莓除了生食之外還可加工為果醬,果酒,果脯,及蛋糕松餅等食品的裝飾物。新興的草莓果脯、果醬生產采用的......
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