

      資料分類:科學與工程 上傳會員:致青春鄭微 更新時間:2013-08-11
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:19781
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)




      Abstract:Fertilizer contributed significantly to agricultural production and food safety of China. However, high application rate and lower utilization efficiency made fertilizer one of the main pollution sources of China, in particular for water body. This study utilizes the census data of farming pollution sources of Dongchangfu District, uses the area weight of the weighted arithmetic mean to calculate the per unit area of nutrient loss. Then it inputs the per unit area of nutrient loss into Arcview3.3 and gets the spatial distribution of TN, TP loss and eutrophication potential per area. It analyses the current situation, distribution characteristic and causes of field fertilizer of Dongchangfu District, and carries on field fertilizer pollution prevention and control division of Dongchangfu District using cluster analysis. On this basis, it puts forward prevention and control measures according to the characteristics of every district. The result shows that the usage of nitrogen fertilizer is excessive , the losses of TN,TP of vegetable and garden are relatively high, the spatial distribution of field fertilizer pollution potential is closely to the planting structure of every town. Using the pollution load of per unit area and the planting structure as zoning index, the Dongchangfu District is divided into key management area, general management area, key protection area and general protection area. It proposes to promote soil testing and fertilizer technology, the use of green manure, organic and inorganic fertilizer, straw to farmland, planting structure rational distribution, adjusting fertilizer varieties structure and other technical measures and the urban and rural environmental protection, the development of various forms of moderate scale of operation, the development of various forms of moderate scale of operation and other policy measures .

      Key words: Dongchangfu District; Fertilizer pollution; Spatial distribution; Prevention division; Control measures


      上傳會員 致青春鄭微 對本文的描述:推廣測土配方施肥技術、積極開發利用綠肥、發展有機無機復合肥、大力提倡秸稈還田、種植結構合理布局、調整化肥品種結構等技術措施及統籌城鄉環境保護、發展多種形式的適度規......
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