

      資料分類:文史類論文 上傳會員:mi胖胖 更新時間:2014-11-14
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      關鍵詞 陸游 《南唐書》 史學思想


      Abstract: Song Dynasty’s people attached great importance to the compiling of history of the former generation,and the compiling of ten national history was popular in Nan Tang Dynasty.The history of Nan Tang Dynasty written by Luyou was on the basic of the old one which was written by MaLing.The book not only contained the orthodox debate which was rise from the setting up of China.but also covered the thoughts of Seeking the Wisdom of Ancients and patriotism of traditional Chinese historiography.In the meanwhile,it also maintained the integrity treat history of memoir and humanistic pragmatism.As well as,there were many unique humanistic pragmatism in the book.Although there were drawbacks of incomplete style,the contradictions of the cultural and educational concept,it is still an excellent work to research on the history of the five dynasties for the scholars.The historiography thought and historical achievement including the shortcomings of the book will be discussed in this article.

      Key words   Luyou  the History of Nan Tang Dynasty   the historical thought 

      上傳會員 mi胖胖 對本文的描述:完善的史官制度以及史館的設置為南宋修撰前代史提供了客觀條件,不論是官修史書還是私人修史領域都創造了卓著的成就。鄭樵所撰《通志》與唐代杜佑的《通典》、元代馬端臨的《......
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