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      The Brief Introduction of Mrs Dalloway

      更新時間:2017-11-18來源:www.628tf.com 責任編輯:三億論文網

       The whole story can be summarized by what Mrs.Dalloway and the people around her, and Mr.Septimus and people around him did, and thought in a day. The direct description of Mrs.Dalloway is not too much, which was equal for almost every main character (Clarissa Dalloway, Richard Dalloway, Peter Wash, Hugh Whitbread, Septimus Smith, Rezia Smith) . Virginia described them in the same length, and even the pedestrians (Maisie Johnson, Mrs.Dempster) were described in details. So it is reasonable to believe that Mrs.Dalloway is not the protagonist but the clue because in the end almost all the characters were more or less connected with her.even though there were no specific plots but with the alarms on time by Big Ben. It can be briefly divided into seven pieces:

      What Clarissa Dalloway saw and thought after she decided to go out to buy flowers for the dinner party herself;

        The description of the halcyon days in London after the war, meanwhile the Smiths  coming to the story;

        Peter Wash visiting Mrs Dalloway and what they thought and recalled;

        What Peter continuing to think after living Clarissa’s house and hanging around the street where Mrs Smith complained and Septimus created illusions;

        The lunch hosted by Miss Brush who invited both Richard Dalloway and Hugh Whitbread;

        What they (Mrs Dalloway, Miss Kilman and Elisabeth) thought while Miss Kliman and Elisabeth hanging out;

        The beginning of the party.

          All of the story, without forceful humanistic care and cultural foundation, which was just full of balderdash from the main characters of the book was not attached importance to the audiences at that time. However as time went on, the light and brilliance in it, was gradually discovered by modern literary critics for its exquisite natural emotion, strong super—realism, excellent writing—skill of stream of consciousness and advanced ideology and analysis of life and death. Especially, the advanced ideology and analysis of life and death was expressed almost everywhere in the novel.
