

      資料分類:農業大學 上傳會員:coffee45 更新時間:2014-11-03
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:12254
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)






      Abstract:This paper researched the clearing ability of different extracts of zinc-rich mushroom mycelium on oxygen free radicals and hydroxyl radicals and on T-SOD activity.

         The 100μg/mL zinc promote the growth of shiitake fungus , the biological activity of than the non-zinc-rich mushroom extract is higher than  the biological activity of the no zinc-rich one. The determination of organic zinc content is by Microwave Digestion - Atomic Absorption Spectrometry .

          The determination of activity of SOD and the hydroxyl radical suppression ability is by T-SOD kit and hydroxyl radical kit reagents . After data analysis , the longer the extraction time of the zinc-rich mushroom extract, the higher the rate of O2-radical scavenging, the stronger hydroxyl radical scavenging and the greater the activity of SOD. When the extraction time of 30 minutes, the O2- radical inhibition rate and the total SOD activity of the zinc-rich mushroom water extract  is highest ,which is respectively up to 44.53% and 434.57 U / ml. When the extraction time of 30 minutes, the hydroxyl radical rejection capability of the zinc-rich mushrooms ethanol extract  is highest which is up to 392.79 (U / ml).

      Key words  lentinus edodes  zinc-rich   antioxidation  Organic zinc

      上傳會員 coffee45 對本文的描述:現代研究證明,香菇多糖可調節人體內有免疫功能的T細胞活性,可降低甲基膽蒽誘發腫瘤的能力。香菇對癌細胞有強烈的抑制作用,對小白鼠肉瘤180的抑制率為97.5%,對艾氏癌的抑制率......
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