

      資料分類:農業大學 上傳會員:coffee45 更新時間:2014-11-03
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      摘要:本文以灰樹花為原料,采用復合酶法提取灰樹花多糖并對其進行抗氧化的研究。本實驗先分別研究了料液比、用酶量、酶解溫度、酶解時間、酶解pH 5個單因素對灰樹花多糖提取率的影響,再設計進行正交試驗,取得最佳工藝條件。根據結果表明,在液料比1:20、用酶量3%、酶解溫度37℃、酶解pH 7.5、酶解3h的情況下,可獲得最大提取率8.91%。利用提取得到的灰樹花多糖進行抗氧化研究,測定其對超氧自由基的清除率,結果顯示,灰樹花多糖的抗氧化能力會隨著多糖質量濃度的升高而增強,但總體抗氧化作用弱于VC。

      關鍵詞 灰樹花;多糖;酶法提取;抗氧化


      Abstract:This paper was about polysaccharide extraction from Griflola frondosas by enzyme method and study on the antioxidant of extracts. Griflola frondosas was the raw material. Five single factors which may influence the extraction rate were studied, they were liquid ratio, amount of enzyme, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature, time and pH. According to the results of the single factor tests, orthogonal tests were designed. At last, we obtained the optimum process as followed: enzyme dosage 3%, hydrolysis time 3h, temperature 37℃, pH 7.5, under these conditions, we could get 8.91% extraction rate. Antioxidant experiment results indicated that Griflola frondosa polysaccharide had superoxide radical scavenging capability. The antioxidant capability would increased with the increase of polysaccharide concentration, but it was weaker than Vc.

      Keywords  Griflola frondosas  Polysaccharide  Enzymatic extraction  Anti-oxidation

      上傳會員 coffee45 對本文的描述:通過對灰樹花發酵液成份的研究發現,灰樹花中主要的生物活性是多糖。大量藥理藥效研究證明[4],灰樹花多糖能夠顯著地改善免疫系統功能,并具有抗腫瘤、降血糖、抗肝炎、抗HIV病......
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