

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:我不是叫獸 更新時間:2014-03-15
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:6593
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      關鍵詞:消費信貸  信用體系  社會環境


      Abstract:With the farmers' income and raising the level of the development of the rural consumption market, the farmers to the demand of consumer credit also begins to appear and have been gradually increasing trend. This paper rural consumer credit as the research object, its development process, the main obstruction factors analysis, such as: farmers to credit the lack of understanding of consumption, farmers' credit system has not been set up, the credit system is not sound, etc. According to the problems for the healthy development of the rural consumer credit to put forward some opinions: one is to improve the rural residents' income, perfect countryside social security system; Second, we need to improve rural consumer credit social environment; Three is perfect countryside consumption credit system, and the fourth is to build a good financial service system, five to change the rural consumer credit concept. 

      Key words:Consumer credit; Credit system ;Social environment

      上傳會員 我不是叫獸 對本文的描述:加強農村基礎設施建設的力度,各級政府應著力解決好農民行路難、用水難、用電難、通訊難等困擾他們生活和農村發展的問題,加快新農村和城鎮化建設,改善農村生產、生活環境,......
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