

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:我不是叫獸 更新時間:2014-03-15
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:10753
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞:可持續消費 城鎮居民 收入


      Abstract: Serious resource and environmental problems, people finally that must take the road of sustainable development. Sustainable development is inseparable from the sustainable production and sustainable consumption, sustainable consumption is the realization mechanism of the sustainable development, is the human consumption of the route one must take the development, is the important part of the sustainable development strategy. Sustainable consumption is the people's advocate a positive, rational, healthy consumption patterns, sustainable consumption is aimed at improving people life quality at the same time, minimize the pollution of the environment and the resources of the unreasonable consumption, better protection of the living environment of mankind, at present town named income distribution system is not perfect, the sustainable the consumption legal system is not perfect, the environment system also has a vacuum, environmental supervision system needs to be perfected, green products in short supply, this paper is aiming at the above problems, given the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

      Key words: Sustainable consumption, Urban residents, Income

      上傳會員 我不是叫獸 對本文的描述:我我國城鎮居民家庭的消費水平差距懸殊。這是由居民收入差距過大而引起的,以致在我國城鎮居民家庭中存在緊縮消費與過度消費并存的現象,而這與家庭可持續消費是相背離的。具......
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