

      資料分類:企業經濟 上傳會員:禹珊 更新時間:2014-05-03
      需要金幣500 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:7960
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      關鍵詞:  上海港  國際航運中心  分工合作  一體化


      Abstract:Shanghai will be basically a high concentration of resources into shipping, the shipping service functions of sound, excellent shipping market environment, modern and efficient logistics services, and the allocation of resources with a global shipping capacity of an international shipping center till 2020. So far, the process which the Shanghai port enters into the international shipping center has taken a successful step and has made significant achievements. Xi jin ping in Shanghai in the 9th congress said in Shanghai port container throughput ranks among the world's third. However, there are many problems still exist in this process; Shanghai should face many opportunities and challenges. This paper studies the development of Shanghai in the existence of opportunities and challenges, and explore ways to take full advantage of the opportunity to solve the problem, to further strengthen inter-regional division of labor, optimize shipping collection system, integrated development for the Port of Shanghai as an international first-class shipping center, the construction of port and strategic direction of seeking to develop. 

      Keywords:shanghai port   international throughput  shipping center   division of labor   integration

      上傳會員 禹珊 對本文的描述:上海港一直保持強有力的發展勢頭,與上海市及長三角洲的發展建立起緊密的聯系。雖然上海港已經舉得了一些成績,但在實現上海港成為國際航運一流中心大港建設目標的道路上依舊......
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