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      更新時間:2017-04-18來源:www.628tf.com 責任編輯:三億論文網


        The Fall of the House of Usher is a famous short story by Edgar Allan Poe,who excels at writing mysterious and terrible stories.,which may give readers a sense of terror and unease.This short story tells of the Usher’s family whose fame and reputation have been popular for a long long time.However,It goes down .At last,the whole family becomes non-existence on earth,as well as the house of Usher.Poe uses symbolism to write about this novel .In my paper,I would like to analyze the use of symbolic meanings that helps to understand the novel better. The novel reflects how important the mental realm is that it shapes human being’s destiny ,and so do environment.


      2.在文獻綜述的基礎上考慮論文題目與主題思想(Thesis Statement)


      A thesis statement is a single sentence that formulates both your topic and your point of view. In a sense, the thesis statement is your answer to the central question or problem you have raised. Writing this statement will enable you to see where you are heading and to remain on a productive path as you plan and write. What purpose will you try to achieve in the paper? Do you want to describe something, explain something, argue for a certain point of view, or persuade your reader to think or do something?







           Song Yuankang,ed. “Edgar Allan Poe,Poe as a Critic and a Romancer.”A Study Guide to American Literature.Yunnan:Yunnan University Press,2007.77-79.

           ---.“Edgar Allan Poe, The Fall of the House of Usher.” A Study Guide to American Literature.Yunnan:Yunnan University Press,2007.84-91.

           ---.“Edgar Allan Poe,His life and Major Works.” A Study Guide to American Literature.Yunnan:Yunnan University Press,2007.75-77.

      Peeple,Scott. “Poe’s”Constructiveness”and The Fall of the House of Usher.”Edgar Allan Poe.Ed.Kevin J. Hayes. Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.178-90.

           Weeks,Karen.“Poe’s Feminine Ideal.” Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Kevin J.Hayes.Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004.148-60.

           Womack,Martha. “The Poe’s Decoder-“The Fall of the House of Usher”.” Christoffer Nilson.

      Xong Rongbin and Peng Guiju,eds. “The Fall of the House of Usher.”Guide to Edgar Allan Poe.2nd ed.Hubei:Wuhan University Press,2007.100-50.

           王星. 愛倫·坡短篇小說精選(英漢對照).大連:大連理工大學出版社,2005.
