

      資料分類:外語學習 上傳會員:小6 更新時間:2013-06-18
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      摘  要

         隨著中國文化在世界的影響力越來越大,我們有必要向世界介紹中國文化中重要的一部分——嶺南文化。而文化乃至歷史都離不開名人事跡。陳垣先生作為一名國學大師,在宗教史、元史、考據(jù)學、校勘學等方面,成績卓越,受到國內(nèi)外學者的推崇。此翻譯文本《廣東文化名人之陳垣》屬于人物傳記,是一種通過對典型人物的生平、生活、精神等領域進行系統(tǒng)描述、介紹的文學作品形式。翻譯作品要求“真、信、活”,以達到對人物特征和深層精神的表達和反映。人物傳記特征有兩個,首要特征是真實;另一個顯著特征是生動 (即真實性和文學性)。本文把陳垣先生的生平資料作為英譯探索的樣本,對譯文中所應用的增詞、減詞、直譯、意譯等翻譯方法進行分析,最后談及譯者的翻譯體會。

      關鍵詞:廣東文化名人;英譯探索;人物傳記; 陳垣



         As Chinese culture has stronger influence on the world, it is necessary to introduce the Lingnan culture which is an integral part of Chinese culture to the whole world. Due to the inevitable relation between cultures and feats of prestigious people, this paper translates the biography of Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan, the grandmaster of Chinese ancient civilization, enjoyed great reputation among scholars domestically and overseas on account of his brilliant achievements in the following fields: history of religion, history of Yuan Dynasty, textology and textual criticism. The paper Chen Yuan, a Cultural Celebrity in Guangdong is a biography presenting the subject's life story, highlighting various aspects of Mr. Chen’s life, including intimate details of experience and analyses of the subject's personality. Therefore, this thesis needs to pay attention to the distinctive features of biography, that is, authenticity and vividness. The paper chooses the information about Mr. Chen for translation research, analyzing translating methods in the biography, such as amplification, omission, literal translation, free translation etc. In the end, this thesis shares translation experience.

      Key words: Cultural Celebrity in Guangdong, Exploration of English translation, Biography, Chen Yuan


      上傳會員 小6 對本文的描述:此翻譯文本《廣東文化名人之陳垣》屬于人物傳記,是一種通過對典型人物的生平、生活、精神等領域進行系統(tǒng)描述、介紹的文學作品形式。翻譯作品要求“真、信、活”,以達到對人物......
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