

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:riku0803 更新時間:2014-04-09
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      【關鍵詞】盧梭; 《愛彌兒》; 教師權威; 自由


      【Abstract】In the scope of education philosophy of Rousseau, this article choose the book called Emile as the text, takes a research on the conflict between the authority of teachers and the freedom of students which is concluded in the book. If Rousseau set a circle for the education of Emile, the education of Emile and the authority of teachers are the necessary elements of article, which means that one of them is absent, this circle will be incomplete. To some extent, the freedom of Emile is a natural freedom and a natural development state of the life. In the process of growing up of Emile, children experience slowly the desire of demand and the meeting from instinct, in the essence of natural category, it includes an inevitable ideological element. In the education for Emile of Rousseau, Rousseau takes the nature as the natural authority, educates the students in application of natural power, sets the purpose of his education in application of the legitimacy of authority of teachers, hopes Emile to become the persons who he expects, thus the citizens of his political ideal state. Rousseau obeys the law of nature and applies the natural power to protect and develop the freedom of Emile.

      【Keywords】Rousseau;Emile;Authority of teachers;Freedom

      上傳會員 riku0803 對本文的描述:師生關系是我們研究教育學的一個重要課題,亦是研究教育學的一個本然話題。對于《愛彌兒》這樣一部教育著述,對師生關系的探討與思考理應是其題中之意。毋庸置疑,教師在師生......
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