

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:圈圈 更新時間:2014-07-09
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      摘  要:小學生中高段語文“15+25”自主學習教學模式是在教師的指導下,學生通過自學、討論、交流等方式,積極主動的進行學習的一種有效教學模式,具體表現為老師用小于等于15分鐘的有效時間進行重難點講解,而學生在小于等于25分鐘的時間內進行積極主動的自主學習,并經過循序漸進的預習、展示、反饋三個環節展現出來。本研究在道爾頓計劃的啟發下,經過文獻法、經驗分析總結法對小學中高段語文“15+25”自主教學模式的實施原則、內涵、效果評價三個方面進行了系統研究,探索出了適合小學生自主學習的一種有效教學模式。

      關鍵詞:語文 ;“15+25”自主學習模式;道爾頓計劃


      ABSTRACT:Pupils in the high paragraph language "15+25" autonomous learning teaching mode is in teachers of guide Xia, students through self-study, and discussion, and Exchange, way, active of for learning of a effective teaching mode, specific performance for teacher with is less than is equal to 15 minutes of effective time for heavy difficulties explained, and students in is less than is equal to 25 minutes of time within for active of autonomous learning, and after step by step of prep, and show, and feedback three a links show out.

         This research inspired by the Dalton plan, through law, analysis, experience summarization of literature for high languages in primary school by the "15+25" teaching mode of autonomous implementation of the principles, contents, evaluation of three aspects of a system, to explore suitable for an effective teaching mode of autonomous learning of primary school students.

      Keywords: language "15+25" mode of autonomous learning; the Dalton plan

      上傳會員 圈圈 對本文的描述:通過自主學習培養出具有創新能力和實踐能力的新型人才。本研究基于對道爾頓計劃這一自主學習教學組織方式的啟發下,對小學生中高段語文“15+25”自主學習模式進行探析,旨在把課......
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