

      資料分類:行政論文 上傳會員:一年級3班 更新時間:2017-05-22
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      Modern anomie of traditional filial piety


      Abstract: Filial piety in the aspect of individuals, families, society has the effect that cannot ignore, and thus in the development of the society and at the same time must ensure that the synchronous development of filial piety. In this paper, based on the understanding of the traditional filial piety, to explore on the development process of traditional filial piety as the means, combined with the era background, analysis development of filial piety, and compared the situation of the contemporary filial piety, so as to realize the anomie of filial piety, on the basis of correct understanding, make the background of the new filial piety is more rational and expansibility.

      Key Words: Filial piety, Confucian, Time, Modern value

      上傳會員 一年級3班 對本文的描述:孝文化是中華文化中重要組成部分之一,它不僅貫穿于中華文化發展的各個階段,而且對中華文化其他部分的發展有著不可忽視的影響。傳統孝道順應人類生存需求而生,是繼承性和發......
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