

      資料分類:行政論文 上傳會員:一年級3班 更新時間:2017-05-22
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      Religious belief for ethnic minorities students is analysed the ideological influence


      Abstract:Religious belief is a personal outlook on the world, life, values, ethics, and so on. It is a kind of knowledge state and civilization scene of metaphysics. Religious belief exerts a subtle influence on the ideology of the minority nationality students, which has positive aspects and negative aspects. Should be by strengthening the positive guidance to the effectiveness of Ideological and political education, science, and measures to improve minority college students' cognitive ability to help minority students sublation of ethnic and religious culture, adhering to the scientific rational belief, so as to set up the correct view of religion.

      Keywords:  religious belief; minority college students; idealogical influence

      上傳會員 一年級3班 對本文的描述:進入了大學校園。這些少數民族大學生是繼承中華民族傳統文化的中堅力量,也是少數民族未來的發展中不可缺少的棟梁。在我國信仰的三大宗教中,少數民族的信仰狀況較為廣泛,其......
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