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摘要:迪里拜爾是世界著名的花腔女高音歌唱家,歌劇表演藝術家,她是活躍在當今世界歌劇舞臺上的“中國夜鶯”,而她的聲音那么親切、明亮、濃情、壯美,宛如天籟之音。本文擬在前人研究成果的基礎上對迪里拜爾的個人及其演唱作品《夏天最后一朵玫瑰》作一初步的嘗試性探考,就迪里拜爾的音色、吐字特點、演唱技巧、情感處理等方面作較深入的分析,旨在讓更多人了解花腔抒情女高音迪里拜爾及其她的作品,并期以拋磚引玉之效,引更多專家學者和愛好者對迪里拜爾及其作品之關注,對迪里拜爾有更深一層的認識與了解,從而也提高自身的演唱水平,把美聲,尤其是女高音的作品唱得更美,更富有感情! 關鍵詞:迪里拜爾;夏天最后一朵玫瑰;音色;演唱技巧
Abstract:In bayer's is the world famous HuaQiang soprano, opera artist, she is active in today's world of opera stage "China the nightingale," and her voice so kind, bright, deep, magnificent, just like the soothing sounds. This paper on the basis of predecessors' achievements of the personal and bayer's singing the work "summer last rose" tentative examination of the preliminary exploration, in the bayer's tone, enunciation characteristics, singing skills, emotional processing in such aspects as deeply analyzed to let more people know HuaQiang lyric soprano dean bayer and her work in, and to the effect of author, lead more experts and scholars to the fans and their works of bayer's attention, to the bayer's a deeper understanding and the understanding, thus improve their singing level and bel canto, especially the soprano singing more beautiful works, richer feeling! Key words: dilber;The Last Rose Of Summer; tone ;Singing skills