

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:失去才懂珍惜 更新時間:2014-03-06
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      Abstract:Vocal art is highly comprehensive art, music and art developing to a certain stage of the product, its inflections very large extent from feelings of expression. a vocal composition to the audience, the singer to be selfless dedication, to express our sincere feelings. it is a real expression of emotion had to be a good cultural training, cultural refinement of the decision of the singer to accurately understand and grasp. Therefore, an excellent the singer was not only need to music theory of knowledge and cultural tradition to the work of the inner thoughts, feelings, the tone:. only in the learning and art practice continued to improve his literary knowledge, culture, a deep understanding of the works, is the sweetest, most expressive, infectious and dedication to the audience. So we must strengthen cultural training, can not pass it on the study of the important role.

      Keywords :Cultural refinement;Vocal learning;Important role




      上傳會員 失去才懂珍惜 對本文的描述:聲樂是一門技術和文化相結合的藝術學科,在掌握高超的演唱技巧的同時,更需要深厚的文化修養作為后盾。聲音是表達感情的手段和方式,文化修養卻是感情的來源和根基。沒有深厚......
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