

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:怪叔叔 更新時間:2014-03-19
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:7785
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      關鍵詞:農村        中小學        音樂教育        現狀        思考


      Abstract:According to the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening the Education Reform and Promoting Essential-Qualities-Oriented Education in 2001,new standard of music lesson has been progressed for years.Howerver,in rural middle and primary schools which account for 80% of the total schools in our country, the new standard was not well implemented due to varieties of reasons.In order to gain a more accurate and precise understanding of this situation, I've made a survey to investigate the current situation of music education among the selected middle and primary schools in rural areas. Based on the result of the investigation, I introduce a question which aims to raising the attention of the relevant departments and hope that they actively implement and adjust the relevant policies to improve the current situation of music edcuation in rural areas as soon as possible.

      Keywords:    rural areas      middle and primary schools      music education      current situation        thinking




      上傳會員 怪叔叔 對本文的描述:新課標沒有實施之前,音樂教育認識不到位,普遍重視語文、數學等科目,而輕視音樂學科的教學,相當一部分學校學生的音樂課被語文、數學擠占,另外,農村中小學基本上沒有專門......
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