

      資料分類:音樂舞蹈論文 上傳會員:happy 更新時間:2014-09-19
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      摘要:所謂  “歌之不足,手之舞之、足之蹈之”,“詩,言其志也;歌,詠其聲也;舞,動其容也。”孫愛莉認為民族的舞蹈文化蘊含著一個民族特有的思維方式、生活習慣,是表達民族認同感和歷史感的重要方式。而傣族民間舞蹈多為人數眾多邊唱邊跳的集體舞蹈,舞蹈豐富多彩,展現了濃郁的民族特色和歷史文化。

      關鍵詞  傣族,民間舞蹈,傳承,保護


      ABSTRACT:The so-called "shortage of the song, the dance of hand, foot Dao", "the poem, it ambition; song, ode to the sound of dance, the capacity." Sun Aili think that dancing culture contains a unique national way of thinking, living habits, is an important way of national identity and sense of history expression. But Dai Folk Dance for the number of all the multilateral singing and dancing collective dance, dance, rich and colorful, show a strong ethnic characteristics and historical culture.

      Keywords: Dai, Folk Dance ,Inheritance, Protection

      上傳會員 happy 對本文的描述:民間舞蹈從語言詞匯理解來講主要指,有音樂伴奏的,人們能以有節奏的動作為主要表現手段的藝術形式。所謂“歌之不足,手之舞之、足之蹈之”,“詩,言其志也;歌,詠其聲也;......
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