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摘要:傳統圖形是我國傳承已久的一種民族藝術形式。它是中國先祖幾千年來精神以及藝術的一種集合,代表著中國的一種文化精髓。因此,傳統圖形在中國文明中具有舉足輕重的地位。然而,在傳統文明和現代藝術相互沖擊中,這種傳統藝術已經開始淡出人們的視線。此外,中國婚禮中的囍字藝術形式的情況也令人堪憂。然而,若將其圖案化后運用于包裝設計,將會使兩者以一種新的姿態被世人所熟知。 將囍字依據我的設計和創新,會以擺脫陳舊的模式并帶給人們一種全新的視覺效果,為婚禮增添獨特的喜慶氣氛。囍字在我國的婚禮中占據重要位置,其獨特的寓意代表著人們心中美好的向往。本課題通過對傳統圖案的研究以及囍字圖案化的剖析,運用現代設計方式,使其借助新形式的婚禮包裝,讓婚禮傳承中國文化魅力的同時,不失時尚的氣息。 關鍵字:現代設計 傳統圖案 特殊寓意 包裝
ABSTRACT:Traditional graphics is the heritage of a form of national art. It is a spirit in the thousands of years of Chinese ancestors as well as a collection of art, representing the essence of a culture of China. Therefore, traditional graphics has a pivotal position in the Chinese civilization. However, in traditional and modern art impact each other, this kind of traditional art has begun to fade out the line of sight of people. In addition, the various characters in Chinese wedding art form is also worrying. However, if the pattern used in packaging design, will make both have been known to the world with a new attitude. To various words based on my design and innovation, will be to get rid of the old model and give people a kind of brand-new visual effect, to add unique wedding festival atmosphere. Various words occupy the important position in the wedding in China, its unique meaning represents the people good heart is yearning. This topic based on the research of the traditional pattern and various word pattern analysis, using the modern design method, make it with the help of a new form of wedding package, let the wedding pass charm of Chinese culture at the same time, do not break vogue. Key words:modern traditional;pattern design;the special moral;packaging